People's Republic of China (PRC), officially China, is located in East Asia and is the world's most populous country, with over 1…
Nagorno Karabakh, or Artsakh as it is also called, is a small region in the South Caucasus with a long and extremely complicated …
Israel is a country in the Middle East, bordered by Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Lebanon. Its history goes back thousands of years a…
The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a highly mountainous, landlocked country in South-Central Asia. It borders Pakistan to th…
The country is rich in history, culture, and tradition. Several civilizations and empires have lived on it for centuries, the fir…
Antarctica is the continent at the furthest reaches of Earth, in the south. It is surrounded by the Southern Ocean and mainly con…
Southeast Asia has thousands of islands, and Indonesia is a diverse nation. Its culture, traditions, and political department are…
A country located in North America, Canada boasts a beautiful landscape, diverse culture, and friendly folks. But hidden beneath …
Japan is an East Asian country that has appealed to people for millennia. Humans have inhabited it since the Upper Paleolithic er…
Russian Federation is the official name of Russia, which is the largest country in the whole world by area. Russia has a thousand…
Australia is a large, varied and richly historical country dating back thousands of years. Indigenous Australians have been on th…
North East Africa contains the nation known as the Arab Republic of Egypt. The history of London goes back more than 5000 years a…
The Republic of Austria (in full Austria) is a landlocked country in central Europe. Human presence is evidenced in the Paleolith…
The majority of the Arabian Peninsula is occupied by the Middle Eastern nation of Saudi Arabia. Besides oil, it has a long and ve…
A country in South Asia. It borders India to the east, China to the north, Afghanistan to the west, Iran to the northwest, and th…